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Muppin Blog Challenge: 2021


Hello Everyone!

It's that time of year... December is Blog Writing Challenge Month. This AMAZING quilter and blogger, Cheryl Sleboda of hosts this daily challenge every December. This is the second year for me as a participant. It was a lot of fun last year and since I spent the month on November moving (more about that in future blogs), I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to get back into the swing of things. I'll tag her blog at the bottom; please check it out and check out all the other bloggers participating this year.

Here's the the daily prompts for December 2021:

Day One - Introduction

You can, of course, find out a little bit about me on my about page, but since you're here already....

Hi - Cynthia Concha, here! I'm a Mid-West girl at heart, currently living in a suburb of Albany, New York. (The capital district for you locals.) I moved here with my husband, Joe, a little over two years ago. In February we'll celebrate the addition of Maxie - he's our cute, little Yorkie mix. Here's a picture to verify his cuteness:

We just recently purchased a house. Mostly so Maxie could have a backyard, but it's been super awesome to have dedicated craft and office spaces too. Not mention the ability to paint and decorate without offending apartment managers and shared-wall-neighbors. We're also on the end of a quiet street, which means Joe can yell as loud as he wants at his video games without bothering anyone. (Anyone except Maxie that is, who doesn't approve of boisterous outbursts.)

But back to me...

I come from a long line of sewers, quilters, costumers, and seamstresses, so (sew) it was inevitable that I pick up ye olde needle and thread. After several years of costuming and apparel sewing, I've settled into quilting as my main fabric addiction. Mostly because you can't outgrow a quilt pattern... I should really purge those apparel patterns...

Recently - in the past couple of years - I've started designing my own patterns, teaching classes, and this year, I've added YouTube videos to my quilty life. So check them out and share with your friends and family! And PLEASE send me requests! I LOVE requests!

Here's all my info:

YouTube: Search "My Quilt Lab" or click this link:


Much love to you all! Gotta get to the quilt lab now - I'm still unpacking!


More links:

Cheryl Sleboda -

All about this wacky, fun blog challenge:

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