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My First Blog Post


Updated: May 25, 2020

Hi All! This is my official first blog. I've been thinking of starting a little something for a while now, but my perfectionist nature and/or the newness factor of it has prevented me from just jumping in. But everyone I talk to about it, and every mentor and fabric guru I listen to all say the same thing: "it'll never be perfect, so just start." So - splash - I'm jumping in!

A little about myself. I was born and raised in Kansas City. That's right, a good-old Mid-Western girl at heart. Sewing is something that's been in my family for generations, and my introduction to it was expected. Mom signed my sister and I up for a "sewing camp" at a local quilt store. We made a pillow with pillowcase, a drawstring bag and a hat. And while the craft has never grown on my sister, I got bit hard!

I followed in my mom's footsteps in the beginning; apparel sewing and costuming. But upholstery soon crept in. And after years of doing costumes for friends, family, local Ren-Faire goers, and theater productions, I got the idea to try quilting. My first attempt was a t-shirt quilt... and let's just say, it was a HUGE learning experience in the fact of how many mistakes I made! But that's a whole blog of it's own, so stay tuned. My initial failure didn't prevent me from continuing and learning on my own.

I'm mostly self-taught, because of the strong sewing background, but love taking technique classes for any new technique I haven't experience. If you've never taken a class, do yourself a favor and DO IT! You never know what little gem you'll discover, not to mention you'll meet some amazing people at the same time.

Fast forward years later, and I'm now designing my own patterns and teaching classes myself ...and now I have a blog! I'm excited to see what will happen and hope you'll join me for the ride. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. As I used to say to my employees years ago... any questions, comments, queries, smart-ass remarks... let me know! Take care and I'll be back soon!


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