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  • cynthiadpconcha

New Year's Resolutions

Like many I usually take a week or so at the beginning of a new year to review my successes and failures, hopes and dreams of the previous year and make a loose target and trajectory for the new year. I took a little longer time this year - 2020 was challenging, and the first week of 2021 proved to be so as well - but I've had some time to do a little soul searching and I've made a few goals for the year.

Quilting and Sewing Goals

I'm participating in American Patchwork and Quilting's UFO Challenge again. (I'll list a link at the bottom.) It's a great way to touch and/or finish those pesky unfinished quilts taking up space under my cutting table and closet. They are also coupling the program with organization tips all year; I even did their first tip by getting a couple more plastic totes to keep my UFOs safe until I'm able to work on them

I also have several totes of non-quilting fabric in my closet and have vowed to make at least four (one for year quarter of the year) of a non-quilt sewing projects. I'm currently eyeing up a bag pattern I purchased in Amish country a few years back.

Teaching Goals

I've made an abbreviated teaching list and I'm currently writing outlines for each to hopefully offer to local shops and guilds. I have a small group of volunteer students to listen to my presentations and give me critiques. My first class up to bat is over the basics of Electric Quilt 8 (EQ8). Updating this website, to showcase these classes, is of course a high priority as well.

Education Goals

"If you're not growing, you're dying," a mentor once told me. And in honor of that I've decided to really buckle down on my free-motion skills this year. I finally have a domestic sewing machine that will allow me to FMQ at home; and I'm hoping to work on long arm FMQ as well. Also, with the longarm, my boss is letting me expand my knowledge of ProStitcher which is a computer program for longarm machines. Very exciting!

Business Goals

So many goals here... Major re-writes of this website are at the top of the list. I want to better showcase my quilts and quilt designs, plus a page to offer classes as well. In addition, my biggest goal is to get published this year; both in a magazine, and offer patterns of my own, both online and at the shop I work at. I'm busy working pattern layouts and learning some graphic design for easy pictorials in my pattern. Wish me luck here!

They say a goal isn't a real goal until it's written down. So there's mine! Wish me luck everyone! I think this is going to be an exciting year.

Until next time - gotta get back to my quilt lab!


I receive no monies or gifts by listing these links; just thought you'd want to know more about them!

The image above was taken from Pixaby, and was created by the talented, Anja. Click here to see more from here:

American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge:

More about EQ8 here:

More about ProStitcher here:

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