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  • cynthiadpconcha

Off the Face of the Earth...

Well the New Year hit me hard mid-January, and I got caught up in one thing after the other. Sorry I neglected you little blog. Let's do a quick catch-up!

When last we met I spoke about and hopes, dreams and goals for 2021. And the good news is - many of those things are what prevented me from getting back to my desk a blogging about them.

For instance, I developed and tested my first zoom class which covers the basics of Electric Quilting 8 (EQ for short). IT's an awesome program I use to help explore and design my quilt projects. I gathered a small group of awesome ladies - big thanks to Shannon, Sandy, June and Jo - who became my guinea pigs.... err test audience, for a run-through. It felt very successful and I'm currently in the process of shopping it around.

I also worked on a couple of WIPs while following along with American Patchwork and Quilting's UFO Challenge. January's Yellow Brick Road top has been pieced, the back is prepped and is awaiting it's chance at the longarm. I even have the binding prepped for fella. February's UFO is a modern sampler top that I'm attempting some straight line domestic quilting on a-la -Jacquie Gering style. (I'll let you look up her book, Walk, to see my inspiration. NO finished photos for these two projects but here's a few to wet your appetite.

Educating myself has been a huge event in the past month all accumulating in the amazing event, QuiltCon Together, a virtual quilt show put on by the Modern Quilt Guild. I'll be doing a full post JUST on my experiences at QuiltCon very soon, but I just gotta say, I am overwhelmed by the sheer creativity of my fellow modern quilters. Never have I been so inspired. Be sure to check out the MQG's Instagram page to check out all the amazing entries and winner. It's sure to please!

But unfortunately, it's not all good news. Drats! I brought home a little friend I've been trying to avoid all pandemic long. That's right, I caught COVID-19 during my blog absence. Double drats! I am happy to report however, both me and my husband have recovered and are very grateful we only experienced mild symptoms. Here's your friendly reminder to wash your hands, socially distance, and wear a mask. Sending good mojo out to all the people who've lost loved ones due to this illness, and a speedy recovery to those regaining their strength after surviving it.

I have plans for a few more immediate blogs, so I hope to see you back here real soon!

Until then - gotta get back to my lab!


Check out Mohamed Hassan for that awesome running from the clock at:

And the Covid virus image was made by Shafin Al Asad Protic from:

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