Okay, so I missed a couple of days in this challenge. But in my defense, I usually blog every other week, so I'm really stretching my writing muscles by participating. (Check out the link below to see who else is writing daily blogs!)
In today's post I'll catch up on the two days that I missed: Day 3 - My Machine and Day 4 - Favorite Tools. Let's get going!

My Machine! - Introducing the Pfaff Creative Icon!
Had this blog challenge happened over the summer there'd be a picture of a 40-year-old (plus) Kenmore sewing machine... of which I own two. And that little work-horse and I made many, many beautiful quilts, and other sewn items. But then, a steal of a deal crossed my path, and the Creative Icon became the newest addition to the family. It's a sewing and embroidery combination machine ...not that I've done any embroidery yet...but I have plans!! She has an awesome 1/4 inch stitch, super fast stitching speed, and so many perks that after a couple months, I'm still finding out new things daily. It is awesome. And I'm super grateful to my boss who made me such an awesome deal!
That said, I'm not abandoning my tried-and-true Kenmore. Someday we'll be able to gather together again for classes and conferences, and my old buddy will become my travel machine. (The Icon is great; it's also a great weight.)
Sadly though, the Creative Icon is being ungraded to the Creative Icon 2 (which might explain why I got such a good deal on it). But, you can probably still find them, and the new Icon 2, scheduled to come out in the spring 2021 from your local dealer. Go to Pfaff's website to find a dealer near you; or if you're in the Albany-Adirondack area of New York, you can stop by Adirondack Quilts (tell them I sent you). I'll share the links at the bottom.
And Pfaff... if you're reading this and need a "sewlebrity" you can contact me anytime! :)

Favorite tool
I'd be here for days if I was to list my favorite tools. I don't keep a quilting tool if it isn't a favorite in some way. So I'm going to talk about just one; a tool that I've only just added to my arsenal this year: the AccuQuilt GO! Cube and Cutting System.
The AccuQuilt is a die cutting machine. Basically, you place fabric, paper, etc. on top of the die, send it through the rollers, and BOOM the shape is magically cut and ready to go. There are several die cutters out on the market so let me first talk about why having one in general is great, and then to why I picked AccuQuilt over the others.
The biggest reason to get a cutting system is for accuracy, followed closely by ease of use. If you have issues keeping your rotary cutter blade straight, or if you have arthritis so using scissors and rotary cutters are painful, then a cutting system is for you and I strongly recommend it. The selling feature for me, however, is the time saving factor. The first die I used was a 2 1/2 inch strip die; it cut 3 strips at a couple of feet long, so depending how many times layers I piled on top (usually 6), a huge amount of fabric can be cut. This is how I cut ALL my bindings these days. And I can cut out the binding for a queen size quilt in under 3 minutes - and most of that time spent is making sure I've folded the fabric efficiently. I know ladies who've cut out a king size log-cabin, storm-at-sea, or wedding ring pieces in just a couple of hours, as opposed to a day or two of cutting by hand. Other benefits also include the ease of creating applique pieces and a quick way to cut out EPP as well.
So why AccuQuilt? Honestly, the smoothness of the cutting and ease of the handwheel are the biggest factors. I've tried two other cutting systems at other retail stores, and I thought AccuQuilt was smoother. I was also impressed to find out that they'll replace a defective die without hassle. (Anyone else agonize over tedious returns like me?) Their variety is amazing; they seem to have new dies coming out every month. Plus, AccuQuilt has a create your own custom die option through their website. And did I mention the sales? They are constantly doing sales on their individual dies, cutters, and packages; so if you're ready to buy an AccuQuilt cutter watch their website for the best deal!
I'm sorta caught up now. Now I can get back to my quilt lab for the latest experiment! Until next time!
A few links for you! Remember I do not receive any perks for listing them; just want to help you out!
31-Day Blog Challenge with Muppin:
Pfaff sewing machine - main website:
AccuQuilt Website: