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Earliest Sewing Memory


Day 15 of the annual 31 Day Blog Challenge sponsored by Cheryl Sleboda of (See link below for more information.) Today's prompt is: earliest sewing memory.

Sewing in some shape or form has surrounded me my entire life as most of the women in my family do some form of the craft. My first memory surrounds a side, home-based business my mom did. The Creative Circle was the Tupperware or Mary Kay version for embroidery and hand sewing kits. She would host friends in our living room, or at their homes, and teach basic hand embroidery and cross-stitch. She made our first Christmas stockings from kits made by The Creative Circle. And for years there'd be at least one hoop laying on the couch with a work-in-progress. You can still find kits on Etsy or Amazon.

Beyond that was my paternal grandmother who made pot-holders, handkerchiefs and quilts. My first blankie was made with love from grandma. And of course, mom made all our Halloween costumes during my sister and I's elementary school years. Nothing was better than my 1920s flapper dress or the year I decided to be a California raison. Good times.

If you'd like to read about other quilters' first sewing memories, check out this link:

Until next time friends! Back to the quilt lab!


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